Welcome to A Thousand Candlesticks
What is A Thousand Candlesticks?
A Thousand Candlesticks is a stock market social forecasting experiment.
We're inviting a handpicked set of superforecasters to submit daily forecasts of the intraday and overnight moves of the S&P 500. We're also sharing these forecasts with all participants.
Our goal is to find out whether aggregating forecasts from a crowd of experts can generate meaningful alpha.
Why should I participate?
For science. Also because you will gain access to a large pool of market forecasts from people with a history of being right.
I didn't get an invitation code. Can I join?
To join, you must be invited. You could try getting a referral from an existing participant.
As a participant, can I refer someone?
Yes. Send an email to contact@1000candlesticks.com. Include the person's details (name, email address, LinkedIn/Twitter). Explain clearly why this person qualifies as a superforecaster. Before you send the email, discuss with the person first to make sure they're interested in joining.
Is there a maximum number of participants?
We would like to prioritize quality over quantity. Once we reach our target number of regular participants, we will start gradually dropping the least-predictive participants to make room for fresh minds. This incentivizes all participants to make best-effort forecasts.
I have feedback, how can I share it?
Please send any feedback or comments via email to contact@1000candlesticks.com.